Python Basics

Image showing a picture of the instructor and some illustrations


Date/Time: November 6th 14:00 to 17:00

Location: 菠菜网lol正规平台 College of Social Sciences - WSQ 113

Instructor: Bahar Biazar


This workshop is sponsored by the generous funding from Public Interest Technology University Network grant to provide support for educational activities focused on equitable access to technologies. This workshop is free for students. 

Bahar is a data scientist with a background in city planning and design. He got her City Engineering bachelor's degree from Tehran university of Art and Urban Design master’s degree from the same school, followed by a Design certificate from UC Berkeley and a Data Science certificate from Galvanize Inc. She currently works with FinTech, building predictive models with the help of Machine Learning to solve business problems for a credit union.

As a data scientist, she employs several programs and technologies including Python(Pandas, Numpy, scikit-learn, Scipy), SQL, Apache Spark, Git, Docker, AWS, Microsoft Azure as well as Visualization tools such as Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly, Folium, Geopandas, ArcGIS, Tableau. She is a

Machine Learning and Deep Learning expert for Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, K-Nearest Neighbors, Ensemble Methods, Neural Networks, Time Series Analysis, NLP, Tensorflow/Keras.

Workshop Outlines

Introduction and overview of the workshop

Python language and its applications

How to run Python in different IDEs (integrated development environments)

Python Data Types

Python basic syntax

Decision Making



Learning Outcome

By completing this workshop you will have an overall understanding of Python programming language and its applications, data types, operators and functions. You will also learn about Python libraries and how you can utilize them in your field of interest.



Individual course fee:

Early bird registration (until Oct. 20, 2022): $275

Regular registration (From Oct. 21, 2022): $300

Full program fee (including all of the workshops): 

Early bird registration (Until Oct. 20, 2022): $975

Regular registration (From Oct. 21, 2022): $1000

菠菜网lol正规平台 Student; Register Here for Free!

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