What We Do

Case Management serves both the University and the individual student by working in a holistic manner with students who are experiencing higher levels of distress, life challenges, or barriers which could be interfering with their ability to be successful. 

Case managers can step in to assess basic needs security and assess threats/risks to self and community. Case managers advocate for, assist, and work with students to provide them with or connect them to the appropriate resources, while considering what is best for them academically and personally. Case Management leads our 菠菜网lol正规平台 Cares programs (including the Spartan Food Pantry) and Behavioral Intervention Team.

Most of our work is done behind closed doors in one-to-one meetings. Students who are going through difficult points in their journey feel comfortable opening up, as they’ve reached the point of recognizing outside support could be beneficial.

If you’ve reached out to us (or we’ve reached out to you), meeting with us is a first step to identifying, addressing, and supporting what you’re going through so that we can minimize roadblocks to your personal success.