
圣何塞州立大学 tailors our Action-Oriented 项目 each year to ensure 它们特定于先前确定的问题. 行动导向方案 designed to address the underutilization of women / minorities / veterans / persons with disabilities are listed below and will be carried-out throughout the Affirmative 行动计划年. The Senior Associate Vice President for 大学工作人员, with the help of the managers, will be responsible for ensuring that the following are 实现:


  • 大学工作人员 will place all faculty, staff, and management job opportunity announcements on the local and systemwide University websites as well as the following 开发多样化候选人库的网站:
    • 加州工作
    • 政府职位
    • 多样性的工作
    • 政府工作
    • 高等教育内幕
    • 怪物
    • 招募军队
    • Northern California Higher 教育 Recruitment Consortium
    • 高等教育编年史
    • 各种社交媒体(Instagram, LinkedIn等).)
  • 大学工作人员 uses CHRS Recruiting (powered by PageUp) for staff, management and faculty recruitments which make its advertised positions available from any Internet 访问计算机.
  • Advertisements and newsletters will always carry the Equal Employment Opportunity 条款.
  • Minority and female applicants will be considered for all positions for which they 有资格.
  • 大学工作人员 will participate in job fairs if there are sufficient numbers 每季度都有机会参加.
  • 大学工作人员's Faculty Services Recruiting Unit, endeavors to diversify both the faculty and curriculum in order to enhance educational quality. 为了努力 increase the diversity of applicants and candidates, search committees will make proactive efforts to expand the applicant pools from which 圣何塞州立大学 hires.
  • Academic departments must submit an outreach and advertising plan for each position that documents the passive and active recruitment strategies to be used to create 多样化的申请者群体.
  • Academic department recruitment committees must reflect diversity, and if it is lacking, tenured or probationary faculty members from related fields may serve as members to 实现适当的多样性.


  • Develop position descriptions that accurately reflect position functions, and are consistent for the same position from 一个 location to another.
  • Develop position descriptions that contain education, experience, and skill requirements 这并不构成无意的歧视. 开发符合以下要求的规范 free from bias with regard to age, race, color, religion, national origin, disability 或者老兵身份.
  • Approved position descriptions will be made available to all members of management involved in the recruiting, screening, selection, and promotion process. 副本可能 也可提供给征聘人员.
  • 大学工作人员 will continue to use only minimum qualifications that include 与工作相关的标准.
  • 大学工作人员 will continue to counsel all personnel involved in the recruiting, screening, selection, promotion, disciplinary, and related processes to eliminate 在所有人事行动中存在偏见. 委员们将无意识地参与其中 bias training conducted by the Chief 多样性 Officer or designee.
  • Faculty position descriptions should identify the essential qualifications for the position, making sure that the qualifications do not unintentionally discriminate 和一群优秀的候选人竞争. 此外,这是可取的,但不是必需的 必须确定资格.
  • Announcements for faculty recruitment must be placed in applicable journals, print advertisements, discipline specific journals/newsletters, and websites ensuring that all of these sources will assist with finding a diverse group of candidates. 教师 招聘指南可在此找到: (pdf). 部分B.2阐明了确保人才多样化的方法.


  • 大学工作人员 will continue to place job opportunity announcements on the University 职业门户网站,由PageUp提供支持.
  • All employees are actively encouraged to participate in facilities and University-sponsored 社交和娱乐活动.
  • 圣何塞州立大学 will continue to use our formal employee evaluation program. The performance evaluation/review is used for annual reviews for all employees.
  • 员工可以 choose in-person or virtual training courses through CSULearn, LinkedIn 学习,或Go2Knowledge. 此外,员工还可以报名参加由 大学工作人员, the Center for Faculty Development and eCampus. 员工可以 include any of these courses in their career development plan and performance evaluation.
  • The 学费减免 Program allows eligible staff and faculty employees, including Teaching Associates, to attend California State University (CSU) courses at reduced 利率. The program is designed to assist employees in improving current job skills 或者是为新的职业做准备. 参加课程可以获得学分,员工也可以 take either two courses or six units (whichever is greater) per semester, depending 关于他们的工作分类.
  • 圣何塞州立大学 Associated 学生s ope利率 a child development center 适用于6个月至6岁的儿童. 儿童发展中心主要是 为圣何塞州立大学的学生准备的. 教职员工的孩子将被录取 on a space available basis after student needs have been met. 儿童可入内 from the waiting list on a first come, first served basis for full fee parents. 低收入 families are admitted with the lowest income first priority.
  • 圣何塞州立大学 停车 Services administers the pre-tax Commuter Benefits Program, which allows eligible 菠菜网lol正规平台 employees to defer up to $300 per month / $3,600 每年购买过境通行证免税. 学生联营交通 Solutions provides information and consulting for the Commuter Benefit Program. 一次 enrolled, deductions are taken from an employee's pay before Federal, State, Social 安全税和医疗保险税被计算出来. 应纳税所得额减少,从而减少 the taxable income reflected on the annual W-2 statement.